Quote Captain Charisma="Captain Charisma"Some absolute legends there

Casey Mayberry only managed a couple of games for us didnt he? IIRC we signed him and Marvin Golden and Phil Hasty in the same pre season?'"
Yeah, + maybe Anthony Seibold? (or that could have been the year before). Oh and Dale Holdstock and Matt Calland IIRC. Remember been so optimistic at the start of 2004 with all these names + the 'Dream Team' of Mal Reilly and Martin Hall, how wrong I was! Tbf I still feel that Harvey Howard did a better job then he gets credit for when you look at the players he brought in (James Webster, Michael Smith, Byron Ford, Jon Steel etc). Sounds like he made mistakes off the pitch, but on it as a team we weren't actually that bad under him IIRC (considering the stick he got).