Quote carl_spackler="carl_spackler"Positives:
- Improved (and legal) aggression in the pack.
- Clear signs of more organisation with Long in the side, which I thought increased as the game went on. I've seen/heard comments that he went missing in the 2nd half, but personally although he wasn't as directly involved with his hands on the ball I still thought his influence was noticeable verbally.
- Long also added some improved kicking.
- As the game went on, we actually started to play some rugby.
_ As well as looking a bigger side, we also look quicker.
- I still think our spelling of players needs improving, we leave some on too long. Me and my Dad picked out Manu for this going into half time and sure enough he missed Newton 5 minutes into the 2d half with a lazy arm for a try.
- Still a lingering bad habit of 1-man stuff, but hopefully that will continue to fade away as it did during the game.
- Lauaki's tackling needs work IMO.
- Houghton decision making needs a lot of work IMO.
Overall, the positives outweighed the negatives for me, but it was reassuring rather than exciting.'"

Took them 15 mins to get in to it but when they did was looking good Lauaki's tackling needs a lot off work was expecting more from him will be targeted if not sorted