Quote Mark_P1973="Mark_P1973":)

coldest i've ever been was HKR away in January on a Wednesday night, and i went over in my shirt (wasnt the brightest idea i've ever had), and there was a slightly cold wind coming in off the estuary, ,well before the trees had established themselves in the old away end'"
I think I was at this game, got off a lovely warm coach into a -35 wind and a frost laden floor. My mate and I were that cold we went into the Hull KR supporters bar, We got threatened with violence unless we left, but we argued that violence was better then the outside cold which raised a laugh so they let us stay!!
If it's the correct game, the players came out looking blue with cold and Gene Miles looked like he was ready to fly back to Oz immediately. The floodlights also failed with about 10 mins to go, luckily we were winning.