Quote jameswk="jameswk"Had a little chat with one of the players today. will put up some of the things he told me .....
it was with 45 commando in arbroath. When the players turned up the marine PT instructors informed them that they were there to break them , mentaly and physicaly.
This consisted of sleep deprevation , log runs sand dune runs various other activities. They were not allowed to walk anywhere on camp they had to run everywhere. They were woke at 4 am one morning after being told they would be allowed a lie in. They were doing guard duties through the night. All in all it was a very intense basic training. anyone who has been in the armed forces will know what i am talking about.
as of the players , you cant shut jeff lima up and Brett finch is a nutter who makes everyone laugh a right joker.
Wigan are the only team to have gone up there and had no one drop out .'"