Robin the facts still are that Fev didn't apply so it matters not where any persons thoughts are, we all know that licencing/franchising works in other sports and should have been introduced 16 years ago properly on a regional basis but clubs were so stuck in their ways that the only way it could be decided was the top teams AT THE TIME plus London and Paris were put into SL, now if it had happened maybe 20 years before that the make up of the league would have been different, but alas it didn't so we are stuck with it.
I also think the system is flawed but one cant get away with the fact If you don't/can't apply then you can't get in, thats the only point I was making.
Widnes are an above average side that are poorly coached and led, they raised their game against us (local derby and all that) and ran us closer than they did in the past, not taking anything away from Fevs performance at all as I have not seen it as yet - but our Dave was there and said whilst yes Fev were good Widnes were awful and from what he saw it would appear that the Widnes coaching staff either had not viewed any Fev vids or else completely ignored them, as Fev are a team rather like us they play as a team perhaps not having the best individual players in the league but one of the best UNIT's and play to a well structured and executed game plan that changes little from game to game but do have the odd individual who can do that 'little special thing'.
Good luck to Widnes I hope they succeed but will have to recruit a lot wiser than they have seemed to have done so far and a change of coaching staff would, benefit them immensely, but lets not shout that too loudly as they may well 'nick' ours or yours that is if ours doesn't get the Cas or Wakey job

something I'm surprised Powell has not been linked with TBH.