For the games on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Fridat
sales are going something like...
2900 terraced places so far, unless the South Stand is open. Two of the 5 blocks are unavailable along the line, and tickets to be included for the new North Stand too, i hope for 7000 there, and hope they do come because Samoa Vs. PNG has potential to be a real firecracker!
8,000 for the Leigh game as it stands, including the Sold out terrace, and two nearly sold out terraces, a walk up crowd could reach 11,000, which would be fantastic.
For Salford less well, the first block became 'unavailable' today, 5 days before the event, with only 693 and 277 sold in the terraces respectively!
That said, 5 out of the 7 blocks are now available in the big main stand, so they must be confident on sales, so hopefully we can get 7000+.
For Headlingley, the South Stand seems to be all sold out, which is very encouraging, 2300 have been sold in the Carnegie Terrace, and there doesn't seem to be many £20 tickets left, i've just looked then and couldn't get two together, with £30 tickets also limited! Unsurprisingly, the £40 tickets are still all available!
I also assume that the West Terrace was just opened as only 39 tickets have been sold there so far

might get lonely there!
But Leeds is looking encouraging!