Quote Enfield Exile="Enfield Exile"You walked into that one.
Earlier on you belittled Salford's efforts in 2013 for finishing bottom. You claimed that a Salford fan was using excuses about the turmoil at the club, a salary bill cinsiderably lower than the cap etc..You even came up with the 'but the dog ate my homework'. I return that comment you with great big shiny nobs on.
1. I sarcastically added to a list as long as the Yellow Pages that was rolled out as to hy Salford finished last....
Quote Enfield Exile="gutterfax"if you meant 2013........we were the worst team in the league, but we broke no rules and therefore kept all our points and didn't finish bottom of the table.'"
Quote Enfield Exile="gutterfax"1. It's FulhamCrusaderBroncoQuinBroncos actually
2. You slagging off London now you've figured out that's who I support doesn't make you look any less of a Knob
3. London have not finished last, nor in a pre-defined relegation place in 18 SL seasons. As for our worth, I would suggest that the fans of a team docked points for cheating, who finished last this year with an average attendance figure almost as low as London's should think twice before chucking stones whilst in a glass house.
4. Good luck for next year.
followed by a chat with rich about Halifax, then congrats to your yoof team
Quote Enfield Exile="gutterfax"Cracking result that...shows that there's life beyond the top 8 and attendances...
Then a giggle about his twitter name....and an observation of his target and the reality of getting 15k to Salfords stadium...it holds 12k BTW
Quote Enfield Exile="gutterfax":lol:
He wants 15,000 regular fans....they've got 9,000 mates on facebook, so good luck getting past 5k average next year let alone 3 times that
So point out where I belittled Salford finishing bottom? I simply added to the list of excuses and underlined that London had never finished bottom in 18 seasons.....I even wished Salford well for 2014.....I didn't gloat although I did laugh at their 15k target in a 12k stadium
As for Shiny Knobs on.....I don't think anyone will be stunned to see your board go into meltdown if Salford fail to deliver on and off the park in 2014......I genuinely wish you well, but the behaviour of your fans on these boards has really done you no favours.
Which team of the current 8 do you think your 2014 squad will be able to replace? Will 1 away play-off loss in 2014 sate the Good Dr's desire? Will you get some of your missing ST holders back? What round will see the first discounted ticket offer at Salford? 162 notes for a ST is 12.50 a game....at what stage will there be an offer for less than that?
As I say, I wish you well but if London had ben bought by a mouthy gobe who promised the world, I'd be slightly more restrained in my posts than some Reds fans have been...it'll take more than 'n'wind and smoke'n'mirrors to get fans through the gates........