Quote hindle xiii="hindle xiii"[size=200Please no![/size
The way the sound captures in the stand makes it far too loud! I'm not an old fart, but having to shout to someone two seats away to have a conversation pre-match is annoying. And seeing young kids and older supporters jumping out of their skin whenever a song is played isn't fun to watch!!'"
Lol, again noted! The difficulty is when the levels are ok in the stand the terracing is not covers adequately and when you cover the terracing it's too loud in the stand, it's all to do with the acoustics of of having only part of the stadium under cover. The feedback we have received from the weekend is that the sound in the stand was better this week and was clearer than what we've had before but people on the terracing have complained that they couldn't hear what was been said by Steve.
The other difficulty is that acoustics work differently for a populated stadium than an empty stadium so when sound checks are done levels are appropriate and then when the fans arrive they absorb a lot of the sound.reducing levels. It's a learning curve but all we can do is take appropriate constructive feedback and try to adjust appropriately.
Sound levels are a fairly contentious issue and we will never please everyone due to the wide spread of our audience, what we are trying to do is get the best fit we can.
Thanks again for your comments. We are listening.