As stated previously in this thread, as a club St.Helens depise Wigan, Wigan despise St.Helens. This is not about arrogance, its about history and tradition.
As a set of supporters, both St.Helens and Wigan depise Warrington. This is down to the fact they have always had a problem with attracting d**khead supporters and now two CC wins later, more and more appear to be jumping on this bandwagon.
I agree with the 'mutual respect' between Wigan and St.Helens (barring derby day of course

On derby day, I get up feeling butterflies, go and watch a fantasticly fought nerve racking game with a brilliant atmosphere. This is exactly the same as any Warrington game.
The difference comes when en route home. After Wigan away, every year we walk back to the train discussing the game with Wigan fans, whoever loses is gracious in defeat. Home safely, no problems.
At Warrington away, its a task getting back to the station without being confronted. Theres always that feeling of nastiness in the air. If saints have won (which happened a fair bit

) you receive constant abuse. Even after the game last month, they were trying to bait all the saints fans to cause a reaction. total pr**ks.
Tbh, I'm surprised the police haven't requested a midday KO for tomorrows cup game because if Wigan win and end Warrington's 'Cup Dominance', I expect a fair bit of trouble.. hopefully all are well behaved, but I'm not holding my breath.